Creating a New Project Template
It is time to register the new project template that Howard asked for in request #70486. To do this, switch from ‘Project Task Templates’ to ‘Project Templates’ in the Records console. Next, open a new project template by pressing the Add (+) button in the toolbar. Give the new project template the subject ‘Prince2 – Project Initiation Phase’.
A subject is all that is required for a new project template, so now you can click on the Gantt Chart button in the toolbar. Before you can add the any project task templates, you first need to add a phase. Do this by clicking on the + Add Phase… option. Give the Phase the name ‘Initiation’.
How did Xurrent know to suggest the name ‘Initiation’?
When you start to enter the name for a new phase, Xurrent looks through all enabled project task templates for matching phase names. Xurrent then offers the matching names for selection so that you do not need to enter the entire name. This helps keep the naming of project phases consistent for your organization.
Now that the project template has a phase, you can add the project task templates that Howard wanted included in the project template using the + Add Task Template… option. You can look up these task templates by entering part of their subject. The 3 task templates that you want to add are:
1. Perform initial project assessment
2. Prepare steering committee meeting
3. Approval from steering committee for project implementation
After adding these 3 task templates, you will see on the right side of the Gantt chart that they all start at the same time. You want them linked together in a sequential workflow, however. Create these links by dragging an arrow from the 1st task template to the 2nd, and then another arrow from the 2nd task template to the 3rd.
To create a predecessor/successor link between 2 task templates, hover the mouse cursor over the task template that needs to become the predecessor. This will cause small dots to appear on either side of the task template. Click on the dot on the right side and drag toward the task template that needs to become the successor. This draws an arrow between the 2 task templates. To remove an arrow, simply hover over it and click on the small red cross.
Now that you have placed the 3 task templates in a sequential order, Widget Data Center has a simple project template for the initiation of a project. To return to the list of project templates, click on the subject of the new project template in the upper left corner of the Gantt chart.