Updating CIs (ii)
Configuration Manager Training Exercise 3

Updating CIs (ii)

The Training Center service offers more than the Conference Room service. For example, it offers computing and printing capabilities. Because of this, printer PRT00034, personal computer CMP00116 and monitor MON00110 have been taken out of the IT storage room and installed in the new training center. The CMP00116 is the only PC that had to be installed in the new training center. It will be used by trainers. The sales people are expected to bring their own laptop when they attend a course. The printer allows trainers to print out training material as needed.

Update the following three CIs:

  1. printer PRT00034
  2. personal computer CMP00116
  3. monitor MON00110

Ensure that they:

In Xurrent, there are Site records and Location records. Generally, sites represent larger physical units, such as a building or a computer room. An address can be defined on a Site record. It's relatively uncommon for a new site to be added or removed in a company or organization. As a result, the list of sites is maintained by the Xurrent account administrators. When configuring a Configuration Item (CI), the configuration manager can select one of the predefined sites.

A Location, on the other hand, is a part of a Site and represents a specific place within a Site. In the case of a building, it's typically a room identified by a unique number. In a computer room, a location can represent the area where the CI (for example, a rack) is installed. Locations can be managed dynamically by configuration managers. When a Site is selected, the list of related Locations becomes available. If a location is missing, the configuration manager can simply enter it in the field, and when the CI is saved, a new location record is created. We recommend establishing a consistent naming convention for locations.    

Since you are still not done with task #6373, you can leave its status set to “In Progress” and continue with the next exercise.

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